New year, new me! Adventure bucket list stuff
‘New year, new me’ bucket list time has come, again. As so many times before, you will take a piece of paper, a pen and start writting down your list, 100% determined that 2016 is THE year you will definitely scratch off things listed on your December bucket list.

Yeah… right. Kudos to those special ones that actually stick to their New Year’s resolutions. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t be perisistent and do your best to bring your New Year’s decisions to life. You definitely should. Eat healthier, excercise more, spend more time with family and friends, find a new hobby, be a better person, travel more, quit smoking, find a new job…
You made that list for a reason. It contains changes that will make you happier and better and you should strive to realise each and every one.

But let’s be realistic: it’s easier said (written) than done, I know. We all know. We are all hyped because new 365 (366, actually in 2016.) days are ahead. 366 days full of possibilities. So much time to do so many amazing things. But, for most of us, this transformative pre-new year energy declines somewhere around 5th of January. After stuffing our face with food and drinking heavily on New Years eve (starting new year with style), the magic of holidays ends and we go back to our routine: work, eat, sleep, bitch about life.
We end up with few (if we’re lucky) extra pounds and same old list of resolutions. It’s a vicious circle.
Here, in ADV, we cannot help you fall in love with gym, lean meat and celery, buy you that car or house you dream of, give you your dream job or Phd in molecular biology, sorry (if you know someone that can do such miracles, please, send us their contact, boys have Pilatus Porter on our ADV wish list, and I have Tom Hardy on mine ☺!
What we can do is give you lifetime, or even life-changing experience.
Take your list. See if you wrote down anything similar to: try something new, try new sport, do something crazy, travel more, be more adventurous, smile more, be happy.
If your list contains one or all bullets mentioned above, go to our web page and scratch at least one thing of that paper. Two things are certain: there are few things that can make you happier than jumping out of an airplane and it’s easier to rock climb than to quit smoking or lose weight.
Also, you can help someone to have a great year by buying our gift card for adrenaline activity.
At the end, you’ll be able to scratch ‘smile more’ bullet, cause you’ll be smiling alot after your skydive, aerobatic flight, rock climbing or kayaking. Big smiles and unforgettable memories are our specialty.
We wish you all the best in 2016, lots of love, happiness, health and adventure. May all your wishes and resolutions come true!
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